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Normcore Multiplayer 笔记

作家相片: Ju ZhangJu Zhang


OVR Lipsync from


Normcore的model有点容易和模型搞混,这里的概念其实是个存储不同玩家的数据的datastore model。


1. [Color] 先用一个model的脚本定义variables,然后需要再inspector里compile一下,normcore会自动生成realtimeModel的代码在这个脚本里。

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Normal.Realtime;
using Normal.Realtime.Serialization;
public partial class ColorSyncModel
    [RealtimeProperty(1, true, true)]
    private Color _color;
/* ----- Begin Normal Autogenerated Code ----- */
/* Your autogenerated model code will appear here. */
/* ----- End Normal Autogenerated Code ----- */


1. [Scoreboard] + [Player Name]

// Scoreboard Tutorial Case
using Normal.Realtime.Serialization;
using Normal.Realtime;

public partial class PlayerDataModel_Ju
    [RealtimeProperty(1, true, true)]
    private int _playerNumber; // _playerScore

public partial class ScoreboardModel
    [RealtimeProperty(1, true, true)]
    private string _scoreBoardText;
// Player Name Tutorial Case
public partial class PlayerModel
    [RealtimeProperty(1, true, true)]
    private string _playerName;

2 [Scoreboard] + [Player Name]

// old version
    public class ScoreboardScript : RealtimeComponent
    private ScoreboardModel _model;
    public RealtimeAvatarManager _avatarManager;
 private Text _scoreBoardText;

    private void Awake()
        // Get a reference to the mesh renderer
    private ScoreboardModel model
            if(_model != null)
                _model.scoreBoardTextDidChange -= ScoreBoardDidChange;
            _model = value;
            if(_model != null)
                _model.scoreBoardTextDidChange += ScoreBoardDidChange;
    private void ScoreBoardDidChange(ScoreboardModel model, string value)
    private void UpdateScoreBoardText()
        _scoreBoardText.text = _model.scoreBoardText;
    private void SetScoreBoardText()
        int playerID = 0;
        _model.scoreBoardText = "";
        foreach (var item in _avatarManager.avatars)
            playerID = item.Key + 1;
            _model.scoreBoardText += "Player " + playerID + ": " + _avatarManager.avatars[item.Key].gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<PlayerDataScript>().GetScore() + "\n";        

2. [Color] 随后再用另一个脚本来执行想要执行的命令

// new version
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Normal.Realtime;

public class ColorSync : RealtimeComponent<ColorSyncModel>
        private MeshRenderer _meshRenderer;
        private void Awake()
            // Get a reference to the mesh renderer
            _meshRenderer = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
        protected override void OnRealtimeModelReplaced(ColorSyncModel previousModel, ColorSyncModel currentModel)
            if (previousModel != null)
                // Unregister from events
                previousModel.colorDidChange -= ColorDidChange;
            if (currentModel != null)
                // If this is a model that has no data set on it, populate it with the current mesh renderer color.
                if (currentModel.isFreshModel)
                    currentModel.color = _meshRenderer.material.color;
                // Update the mesh render to match the new model
                // Register for events so we'll know if the color changes later
                currentModel.colorDidChange += ColorDidChange;
        private void ColorDidChange(ColorSyncModel model, Color value)
            // Update the mesh renderer
        private void UpdateMeshRendererColor()
            // Get the color from the model and set it on the mesh renderer.
            _meshRenderer.material.color = model.color;
        public void SetColor(Color color)
            // Set the color on the model
            // This will fire the colorChanged event on the model, which will update the renderer for both the local player and all remote players.
            model.color = color;

OVR Lipsync from discord

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BS Weight in SRanipal Lip sampel Script

private void RenderModelLipShape(LipShapeTable_v2 lipShapeTable, Dictionary<LipShape_v2, float> weighting) { for (int i = 0; i <...


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