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[3D Model & Animation Project]
Introduction to Modelling and Animation Coursework #1&2
at Goldsmiths University of London
2020 - 2021
Hope our wishes wrote down on lanterns will all come true! The animation starts fast-paced with the construction of the torii, which means there is a place to communicate with the god and the festival starts, excited and noisy. Then, the raft comes into the sea, which means people who attend the festival arrive at the place. After that, the lighting and rising of the flying lanterns means people send their wishes to the god. Followed by the highlight of fireworks and finally the crowd disperses and the night is quiet again.
Development Artwork
[Inspirations & Model Concept]
Personally, when I went to Japan before, my limited travel time made me fail to visit a really beautiful torii located on the sea. So I tried to make up for that pity, to find two other water-related models that fit my torii. This image by Hendra Su (Source: inspired me a lot at first, it reminds me of the custom that oriental people light the floating lanterns to make wishes at festivals. Thus, a scene with a torri, a wood boat and wish lanterns over the water came into my mind. Then I finished my concept choice and started my mood board.